Stress triggers

Stress triggersWhat situations press my buttons?

How long will it take?
20 minutes

What’s the exercise for?
To find out what the biggest catalysts for your stress reaction are.

First, please read the exercise description in detail. After knowing exactly what the next steps are, find a place where you can concentrate and stay in peace for a while. Imagine that you are watching a movie showing your professional life.

  • Observe your biggest stress triggers from your personal perspective. Forget what others are thinking and what they say about you. Just let all the situations surface when you feel tense, irritated, angry, afraid, panicked, helpless, powerless, tired etc…. What makes you feel these emotions? Is it a too wide range of duties, unclearly defined tasks, poor communication with managers, associates, subordinates, lack of appreciation and feed-back, time pressure, overload of responsibilities, bad relationships, discrimination, mobbing, bullying or something else?

Continue the exercise on next pages or Contact a professional coach