Coaching online

We do appreciate that you’ve got this far. Now we’d like to clarify the concept of coaching on-line. It is not counselling, nor will it give you ready-made solutions. A selection of carefully designed self-coaching scenarios will support you in discovering your own strategies that will lead you to desired outcomes. The exercises, designed by a team of coaches, psychologists and psychotherapists, will stimulate reflection, broaden your perspective on issues you are experiencing and inspire insights on key elements which will bring on change.

What tools will you need? Take some plain sheets of paper, something to draw (coloured pencils, markers, etc) and to write with. These exercises are designed to complete by yourself, when you have a moment of time. You don’t need to make an appointment, talk to, or pay anyone. There is only you, your imagination, a sheet of paper and a pen. Make some tea, coffee or bring yourself a cool drink. Get comfortable and relax. Complete one or more exercises in the given order. Repeat them as many times as you need. We have given an indication of how long the exercises will take, but feel free to take your time and follow the tasks of our coaching online scenario for as long as you need.

coaching online energy cake1. Energy cake

Where do I get and spend my energy? 

 coaching online black scenario2. The pessimistic version

What if I don’t change anything?

coaching online My stress triggers3. My stress triggers

What situations press my buttons?

 coaching online Analyse your stress reaction4. Analyse your stress reaction

What do you do, think and feel when you are under stress?

coaching online From fiction to reality5. From fiction to reality

What do I want my future to look like?

 coaching online Achievements diary6. Achievements diary

How to keep track of, and enjoy changes you make in your life?