Gloria (age 41)

Case study no. 3: Gloria (age 41), Project Manager of an IT change process at an international bank

Gloria Weber is project manager of an IT change process at an international bank. She has seen two restructurings in the past years, with the latest one not having come to an end yet. She is certain to keep her job, but she has to deal with many concerns regarding her employees.

Until three years ago she had been very motivated and enthusiastic in her job due to – as she accentuates – her “super boss”. Ms Weber had worked her way up from the very bottom. Following her boss’ replacement she is very stressed and under pressure. She receives less feedback and feels increasingly insecure about her performance; her workload has increased and overtime during the week and on the weekend has become the norm. She allocates less and less time for friends or hobbies. In the evenings she is often so exhausted that watching television is all she is capable of doing.

Over the past 8 months she has increasingly experienced sleep disorders and difficulties concentrating; she has the feeling that “it all gets too much”. She is repeatedly sick but doesn’t take much time off to recover as she is convinced that “it is not possible right now.” She tries to deal with headaches with medication. She feels empty and run down, she doesn’t feel like doing anything and cries repeatedly on her way to and from work. After a collapse she eventually decided to take up the opportunity of support from ibos.

© Dr. Lisa Tomaschek-Habrina, MSc | Director, ibos – the institute for burnout and stress management    M: +43 676/ 34 034 61