Xavier (age 40) – DE

Case study no. 6: Xavier Palento (age 40), Owner of famous pub

He is the owner of a British pub in a little town in Abruzzo. The pub was open in the 1997 and it was successful at the beginning, but Mr Palento was exhausted from the overwork, lack of sleep, irregular diet, and difficulties in communicating with the employees.

He was nervous, ended his relationship with his long term girl-friend, had a few car accidents, and started arguing with his employees and some clients. He was able to understand the sickness and he started a challenging psychotherapy cycle.

Today Mr Palento is in a good shape, he stabilized his life within the boundaries of a normal discipline (sustainable working time table, rest time, meal time, quality of foodstuff and social and professional relationship); he is aware of the great risk he took during the period 1999-2004 and he is very careful to avoid.